We players are aware that in FarmVille2, our neighbors are our farmhands, just like Marie. You can produce tons of 24-hour crops in minutes with the help of your Farmhands. This is what we are going to explain in this article – How To get the maximum benefit of your FarmVille 2 neighbors.
But first we should understand how Crops and Farmhand works in FarmVille2. After deciding what we want to grow in cropland, we need 3 ingredients to get the FarmVille2 Crops fully grown in minutes: Water, Fertilizers and Speed Grow. If we provide all three to a cropland in a minute, the crop will grow to it’s full. Collection of water and fertilizers are not an issue as water gets regenerated @ 1 unit every 2 min 30 sec and if you have wells you can get extra 10 units every 4-hour. Though we cannot regenerate fertilizer, but animals in your farms which produce fertilizers, you will have enough of fertilizer to use at cropland. Players can also send fertilizers as daily gift to their FarmVille2 Neighbors. Speed-Grow is one of the consumable for which player has to spend FarmVille2 Bucks, which costs you real money. Well actually not the only way and this is where Your FarmVille2 Neighbors comes into picture.
So let us understand doings and limitation FamVille2 Farmhands. Farmhands cannot decide what action they want to take, FarmVille2 neighbors can only choose the square they want to take action on and farmville2 will decide the actions. In case of crops it is next pending action – so you can get hundreds of 24-hour crops (Carrots, Sunflowers and strawberries) in minutes, if your FarmVille2 Farmhands work on your cropland where pending action is Speed-Grow. So it is not that tricky after all, given that all your FarmVille2 neighbors are aware on which five squares they have to work on.
This can happen only if you spread the word and coordinate with your FarmVille2 neighbors. In addition you can use “wooden sign” to let your farmhands know which five squares you would like them to act on. I wish FarmVille2 has given the feature of including message on the wooden sign to make easier for players of FarmVille2. Or you can cutoff 5 croplands and mark them as given in the image below to let visiting FarmVille2 neighbors know which five plots you would like them to act on: